UPDATE JUNE 2, 2018. Version 5 of the PPW Tools panel has just been released. You can download the new version at our free resources page. If you are having any difficulty with the previous version (4.0.5 for CS6) you should upgrade now.
The installer automatically removes all previous versions of the PPW panel. We do not know of any reason why you would ever wish to go back to version 4.0.5, but for the time being we provide this link to download it and this one for troubleshooting. NOTE: version 4.0.5 requires Adobe Extension Manager.
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Alexandre, further to my last post, today we have posted a new beta version. Rather than try to diagnose what was happening with the old one, please download and install the new one and tell us what happened.
The method of installation you are using is not compatible with Photoshop CC2015, which does not recognize Adobe Extension Manager. To get the correct installer, please go to the free resources page and download the version marked for CC2015. The installer package contains a video if you have any difficulties figuring out how to install.
The current PPW versions, which are the only ones we support, are 4.1.1 for Photoshop 2017-2018 and 4.0.5 for Photoshops CS5 and CS6. You should download and install the correct version from the free resources page. AEM, as you note, is not supported in newer versions of Photoshop and our installer does not require it. 2ff7e9595c